
Don’t know how to code? Master these skills to up your career value

Posted on in Lifestyle

If you are someone that does not know coding, you might be wondering if you future career is at risk. In this day, it seems like all the job openings require that you know the latest coding languages and have ample experience in the basic languages too (HTML, Java, Ruby, etc.). Where do you start? 

Collaboration is Not an App -It’s an Extension

Posted on in Lifestyle Marketing Technology Web Design

Collaboration is the lifeblood of greatness. Auteurs may spit at the notion, but just about everything outside art depends on multiple sets of hands. That there are so many channels to communicate is unsurprising: phone, email, chat, etc. Each was groundbreaking when initially unveiled. Each is also surprisingly crude for the intricate needs that professionals 

Craft Brands vs. Big Brands – Wheres Does Software Sit?

Posted on in Lifestyle Marketing Technology

Craft matters a whole lot more than Kraft nowadays. More intrinsically, big consortiums are feeling it. Just check out this article from The Economist -your mustache balm painstakingly made by riverside nuns may soon be a Unilever property. What does this have to do with SaaS, DaaS, and gen tech? Everything. It’s about who, or 

Traditional Media Continues Tooling Itself to Content Marketing

Posted on in Lifestyle Marketing Technology

Content marketing is older than most digital marketers think. Periodicals, especially those concerned with lifestyle or health, have always included info about available products. Eighteenth century journals detail the perruquiers just as today’s Cosmopolitan features this or that celebrity stylist. Doubtless, some products these journals mention are because of editorial, or *gasp,* writers’ interest. Most 

SMS May Have More Emotional Gravity Than You Think

Posted on in Apps Lifestyle Marketing Technology

The advice industry is vast. Personal counseling, finance, fitness, astrology, coaching  -name a niche and there is sure to be an instructor or specialist that offers keen advice. Its transition online was immediate.For every expert emailing newsletters or personal advice, though, there is also numerous websites offering generic advice for free. While convenient, however, web 

TechCrunch Should Stick to Technology

Posted on in Lifestyle Marketing Technology

Okay, time to break the fourth wall. I like TechCrunch…to an extent. So does just about everyone. The news site’s coverage of tech is admirable. It attracts a world of crazies and the best talent percolates to the top. That’s one reason I’ve never applied -to do so is insane. It’s like submitting a short story 

Will the Internet Always be Laissez-Faire?

Posted on in Lifestyle Marketing Technology

Worldwide connection is what the internet promises. And slowly, we’re getting there. The benefits are pointless to list -they are just that many. As the world slowly gets closer geographic divides are less dramatic. Oh sure, they exist. A bandwidth connection is not going to change drinking water from dirty to clean…at least not directly.This 

Social Games, IRL, and the Realm of Possibilities

Posted on in Lifestyle Marketing Technology

Video games don’t create a chemical dependence. Just ask your average Overwatch player, though, and we know they are addictive. About every online game cashes in on rare items, exclusive quests, etc.Competitiveness pervades such environments. Ironic, then, that few games require any sort of “skill” as we typically define them. Fine motor ability and an 

Vox, Trust, and 21st Century News

Posted on in Lifestyle Marketing Technology

We all gather our news from different sources. Social news, however, typically fits squarely in one place: Facebook and other social platforms. Birthdays, local events, travel pics. All crop up on the wall. And that’s well and good. We should care about what friends are up to, their accomplishments, their life moments.There is also a 

Build Strong Habits, Boost Your Willpower

Posted on in Lifestyle

If you’re reading this blog, chances are you want (or have wanted) to change something about yourself or your life. Your goal could be anything – a thinner waist, a fatter wallet, or giving up smoking.Maybe you had an epiphany. You’re finally ready and determined to create the lifestyle you’ve always wanted.We’ve all been there. 
