
State Development of Disruptive Software: Yay or Nay?

Posted on in Technology

Contrary to popular belief, online technology is not mature. It’s huge, yes, but not mature. In fact, online tech resembles other nascent industries from the late 19th century. Statistics and medicine particularly stand out. That may seem like a stretch. However, widespread adaptation of the “new” is all too similar.U.S. medicine struggled to gain legitimacy 

Is B2B the Next Wave of Uberization?

Posted on in Marketing Technology

The actual Uber app of Medicine may one day arrive. For the time-being, though, would-be bidders must use crooked inner-circles. My point? Apps expose and fulfill laissez-a-faire currents rather than perpetuate them.Exclusive car services were around way before Uber or Lyft. Ditto for exclusive renters’ circles and Airbnb. They merely broaden and popularize a channel 

Social Games, IRL, and the Realm of Possibilities

Posted on in Lifestyle Marketing Technology

Video games don’t create a chemical dependence. Just ask your average Overwatch player, though, and we know they are addictive. About every online game cashes in on rare items, exclusive quests, etc.Competitiveness pervades such environments. Ironic, then, that few games require any sort of “skill” as we typically define them. Fine motor ability and an 

Small Startup? Open Betas are Still for You

Posted on in Marketing Technology Web Design

As pontificated easier, Agile methods are superior for software development. It’s also nothing new. Versioning is older than the 80s. The real question is how versioning happens. This week’s biggest software news was that Apple unveiled an open beta of its iOS 10 and macOS Sierra. Fan bois, of course, are drooling. The rest of 

Vox, Trust, and 21st Century News

Posted on in Lifestyle Marketing Technology

We all gather our news from different sources. Social news, however, typically fits squarely in one place: Facebook and other social platforms. Birthdays, local events, travel pics. All crop up on the wall. And that’s well and good. We should care about what friends are up to, their accomplishments, their life moments.There is also a 

Dose Bots are Back! The New Power of Templates

Posted on in Marketing Technology Web Design

AI is a big thing this year. First, bots are becoming widely available. Then there’s also that Google is implementing new AI into their search roll call -enter RankBrain. The system uses a deep learning system to better categorize sites over time. Change is in the air! But what changes, and why?SEO has been refining 

Social Media is Automatizing Safe Space: Part 1

Posted on in Marketing Technology

Perspective is funny. Just take a look at social media. Probably the biggest phenomena of our generation, these platforms innately do a few things.Connect users with other users Allow them to share opinions and ideasEncourage use of the platform: Think Flickr or InstagramProvide a record of their past contributionsAct as statistical resources for marketers and 

Chauvinism, Identity, Power and…Money!

Posted on in Technology

San Francisco is embarrassed about something…always. Perhaps the most consistent is their excellent disparity. Or didn’t you hear? 80 of 100 eligible females are currently in the San Francisco workforce. The total cost of chauvinistic practices nationwide? $2.1 trillion.So sexism remains prominent in the workplace, including tech. Plenty of detractors signify the incohesion between corporate 

Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS) and What It Means

Posted on in Technology

Computer use is constantly changing. Almost always, however, we rely on immediate hardware. Microsoft, Dropbox, and Apple are enhancing how we access and store files. Such synergy belies technological capability, sure. It also signifies an intrinsic demand. People want their files available and safe from hardware malfunctions.There are also limitations. Storing files is peachy. Accessing 
